Advertising & Earning using the Hashing Ad Space Platform
What is Hashing Ad Space?
Hashing Ad Space is an online Advertising platform, that delivers views from a targeted audience that comes directly from their website. With over 300,000 users, the site delivers a quality viewers mainly interested in making money from home. Therefore, if you have a home based business offer Hashing Ad Space is just perfect platform for you to display your ads in.
The platform is monetized by the utility token Asimi, and the audience is paid in Asimi for watching the ads displayed. The Asimi tokens are minted (created) daily to power the platform and distributed to the audience on a per ad basis. Simple to use, anyone can use this intuitive platform to watch ads, to advertise or simply do both.
How can I take advantage of the Hashing Ad Space platform?
One by minting ads.
Signing up for Hashing Ad Space is free. Anyone can join the platform and a start watching the daily ads in exchange for Asimi tokens. These Asimi tokens can be transferred from the platform and exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or fiat money. For free sign ups, daily earning is limited, but ad view limitations can be decreased by purchasing yearly ad minting packages. These packages allow users to increase their number of ad views by staking Asimi tokens for a period of a year. The more ads watched, (minted) the greater the share of the current 17,4538 allocation of newly minted Asimi for a 24 hours period.
Second is lead generation. The Hashing Ad Space platform offers 3 advertising products, the Ad Minter, Login In Ads and Banners. Each product designed to deliver the highest traffic to your site.
The advertising prices at Hashing Ad Space platform are quite competitive. For $20 worth of Asimi tokens you can pick one option from this picture which is a lot more than the pay per click cost that Google offers. In addition to being less expensive, Hashing Ad Space also provides a quality audience that is interested, rewarded and engaging. Here is a list of of what is offered which each advertising product.
Third is referral program
Once you join in and enjoy the perks of Hashing Ad Space platform you will be excited to let others know about it. Before doing so make sure to locate your affiliate link under Affiliate resources so you can get a commission every time one of your referrals purchases an ad package. Comissions range from 10% to 50% depending on the product purchased.
Fourth is log in staking
Logging in and watching ads on a daily basis? Stake up to 10.000 Asimi in the platform and receive a percentage share of 872 Asimi distributed daily using this program. That’s another easy earning opportunity right there!
Fifth is Raffle
Watch a certain number of ads daily and qualify for Hashing Ad Space daily raffle with prices as high as 100 Asimi tokens
In conclusion, The Hashing Ad Space has a lot to offer to both advertisers as well as the viewers. As claimed on their web site the advertising business model delivers leads sales and profits to advertsers while the minting business model, rewards the members participating in Hashing Ad Space advertising platform for the act and effort of watching ads. All current and future earnings are paid in Asimi crypto tokens. This means that the tokens acquired ou earned are subject to the risk and volatility of the crypto currency market. Before signing up the site emphasizes that it is important to be aware that the platform cannot control market forces or anticipate the value or usability of crypto currencies in the future and therefore cannot make any promises of any gains whatsoever. You can expect that while good crypto currency conditions would be very favorable to the Hashing Ad Space advertising / minting system, bad crypto currency conditions would not. My recommendation is to do your own research and find out the ways the Hashing Ad Space platform can benefit you and your business in both market conditions and start earning and marketing. If you would like more information CLICK HERE
This article contains referral links.
By: MamãeCrypto