Consensus 2022 Interview with Paul Puey Co-Founder of Edge Wallet


I had the pleasure to meet again and, this time, quickly interview Paul Puey co-founder of Edge wallet at consensus 2022 for Bybit exchange. Paul is an important figure in our industry; responsible for developing a versatile custodial cryptocurrency wallet that I make use of since 2019. Since its conception, the wallet has introduced several new functionalities and in this interview, Paul reveals what is coming next. What and see in which ways Edge will help Defi’ Usability. Also, get educated by one of the best on how to store your cryptocurrencies safely. If you have been in the crypto markets or industry long enough you probably know that…”Not your keys, not your coins.”

Hope you enjoyed the interview and the Consensus 2022 vibes.

All my best
Michelle M

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MamaeCrypto Michelle M.

Crypto advocate & Enthusiast —Opinions, Not Investment advice. Blog: —