Hashing Ad Space Review Earning & Spending Asimi Tokens in the Platform
What is Hashing Ad Space?
Hashing Ad Space is an online Advertising platform, that delivers views from a targeted audience that comes directly from their website. With over 300,000 users, the site delivers a quality viewers mainly interested in making money from home. Therefore, if you have a home based business offer Hashing Ad Space is just perfect platform for you to display your ads in.
The platform is monetized by the utility token Asimi, and the audience is paid in Asimi for watching the ads displayed. The Asimi tokens are minted (created) daily to power the platform and distributed to the audience on a per ad basis. Simple to use, anyone can use this intuitive platform to watch ads, to advertise or simply do both.
On the video below I showcase how I make use of the Platform. How I earn and How I spend the Asimi Tokens within the Hashing Ad Space Ecosystem.
If you are already using Hashing Ad Space hope you learned something new or this review contributed to your experience somehow. If you are planning to join the platform use my Referral Link: Hashing Ad Space and know that by doing so you are supporting this channel at no cost to you.
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All my best,
Michelle M.
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