Pay with BTC, ETH or LTC for Mary Kay skin care & beauty products — 1st consultant accepting crypto —
Thank you for choosing me, MamãeCrypto as your Mary Kay beauty consultant. I am not just a regular consultant, I am the first “crypto Mary Kay consultant”. That means that in addition to credit cards, I do accept cryptocurrencies BTC, LTC and ETH as payment. As a public persona who is behind the cameras I find that Mary Kay has given me and great skin confidence & that is why I share what I use everyday with you.
Below I will give you step by step instructions on how to complete your order using Crypto currency payment option. Please note that credit card payments have been automated but crypto payments are applied manually after confirmation. Hopefully soon Mary Kay corporate will see the benefits of offering crypto payments and will eventually integrate an automated payment system such as Coinable commerce or Alliant payments. But for now just follow these few simple steps and your beauty order will arrive at your front door step!
Step 1
Go to my Mary Kay consultant web site
Step 2
Pick the products you would like to add to your shopping card
Step 3
Complete your check out and pick this option: I want my beauty consultant to contact me about payment
Step 4
Sent payment to one of the 3 Crypto addresses provided in our email communication.
We accept Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin (BTC) only. Please make sure to send ETH to ETH Address, LTC to LTC address and BTC to BTC address. Failure to do so can result in loss of funds.
Step 5
Take a screen shot or a note of your transaction ID number and email it to:
Step 6
Wait on the arrival of your beautiful Mary Kay Package
Please note that we do accept credit cards just like any other site. I know that at the moment we do require few extra steps from you in order to complete your crypto payment but in the future that will change, especially if you show your support. Let’s show Mary Kay team of executives that we, THE PUBLIC, really want this to happen.
I do encourage ladies to try and hubbies to get their wives something something for Valentines. I have started my own Mary Kay beauty regiment and already seeing amazing results. Not to say all the make up I use in my videos is Mary Kay. I used Mac foundation that was quite heavy for years and loving my Mary Kay CC Cream. It is such a thin layer application and so effective, amazing coverage.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share this exciting new adventure with you! It is the start of a new project among many I am involved in and know that you can make a career out of it too. Feel free to contact me if you are interest!
MamãeCrypto (Crypto Mom in Portuguese)