The importance of Twitter for crypto investors & enthusiasts. Crypto Currency + Social Medial
For years Twitter has been on the favorite gathering spot for crypto investors and enthusiasts around the world. People gather on this social media platform for simply two reasons:
1) TO FOLLOW others and get their crypto insight
2) To BE FOLLOWED by others so that people can learn, benefit or simply enjoy your crypto insight.
Sounds simple but believe me it is extremely complex and beneficial to have a twitter account if you want to be current with the crypto tendencies.
The twitter platform is extremely rich with current and specialized content about crypto currencies and blockchain technology. You can find direct updates and news direct from the source. For example, follow Ethereum and know of every single update about the currency if you are an investor and follow Vitalik Butterin (creator of Ethereum) himself if you also happen to be a enthusiast and would like to learn more about his ideology and personal values. Don not be surprised if you do get a reply from many coin developers themselves if you make a comment that is worth the chat. And YES… expect a wave of traffic or followers if you do get a reply from one of them.
Believe me it is truly so much fun to follow the right people in Crypto Twitter and you can learn a lot from all the fresh hot information you constantly receive in the platform. But please do watch out for scammers as they tend to lurk and often appear of popular Twitter accounts. Very easy to spot the impersonators since they do not have a blue verification mark next to their names, making sure you watch for those will keep you safe.
Now the benefits of building a twitter following can be many. As you gain followers in your twitter account few things will increase at the same ratio: Popularity, Level of Authority and Earning Potential.
Popularity is simple, the more followers the more popular your brand is and every single action you perform on twitter has a wider audience reach. In addition your level of authority in the subject matter you often tweet about increases. And people tend to trust your content over others. Lastly earning potential, there are several ways one can monetize their twitter account specially in the Crypto arena. As your number of twitter followers increases so does your price as a marketer and that is taken into account when you are advertising your own services in your twitter account or when you are promoting other projects, coins, products or companies.
So make sure to open a twitter account if you don’t happen to have one yet. If you do have one take your time to freshen it up and browse twitter for a while. You can start by following me at MamãeCrypto twitter and I will lead you in the right direction.
All my best,
Michelle Mafra
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